Jason Gallagher

Clinical Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Temple University
United States of America


Dr. Jason Gallagher is Clinical Professor at Temple University School of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Infectious Diseases at Temple University Hospital, where he maintains a clinical practice. He also is the Director of the PGY2 Residency in Infectious Diseases Pharmacy at Temple, which has been providing pharmacists with advanced training in infectious diseases pharmacy since 2008. Dr. Gallagher graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy from Rutgers University in 2001. He then completed residency programs in Pharmacy Practice at Virginia Commonwealth University – Medical College of Virginia Hospital and in Infectious Diseases in the Immunocompromised Host at Duke University Medical Center. He currently serves as President of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. He is also a past President of the Mid-Atlantic College of Clinical Pharmacy and former Chair of the ACCP Infectious Diseases Practice and Research Network. Dr. Gallagher serves on numerous committees for professional associations in infectious diseases and in pharmacy. He is a co-author of three editions of Antibiotics Simplified, co-editor of two editions of Frequently Prescribed Medications, and the author of over 150 publications, abstracts, and book chapters.

Research Intrest

His research interests focus on the treatment of patients with highly-resistant infections and maximizing the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile of antimicrobials.

List of Publications
JC Gallagher, C MacDougall (2016) Antibiotics simplified 2nd ed. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
JC Gallagher, HM Rouse (2008) Tigecycline for the treatment of Acinetobacter infections: a case series Annals of Pharmacotherapy 42:1188-1194.
J Frumin, JC Gallagher (2009) Allergic cross-sensitivity between penicillin, carbapenem, and monobactam antibiotics: what are the chances? - Annals of Pharmacotherapy 43:304-3015.

Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences