Jason Doll

Department of Biology
Ball State University
United States of America


Dr. Jason Doll is currently working as Instructor at College Of Sciences And Humanities, Ball State University. Ball State University, Ph.D. (2015) Ball State University, M.S. (2003) Ball State University, B.S. (2001).

Research Intrest

Quantitative fisheries management and ecology

List of Publications
Jacquemin, S.J., J.C. Doll, D.A. Owen & M. Pyron. 2015. Effects of flow regime on growth rate in freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98(4):993-1003.
Jacquemin, S.J., & J.C. Doll. 2015. Macroecology of North American suckers (Catostomidae): tests of Bergmann’s and Rapoport’s rules. Ecology and Evolution.
Doll, J.C., T.E. Lauer, & S. Clark-Kolaks. 2015. Covariates of age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus fall recruitment from stocked populations in six Midwestern reservoirs. Fisheries Research 172:274-286.