Jan Olof G Karlsson has a PhD from Linköping University. Between 1990 and 1992 he held a position as a Research Fellow at the Swedish Medical Research Council. Thereafter he worked as a senior Scientist for Nycomed Imaging, which later became GE Healthcare, until 2007. At present he is a scientific advisor at PledPharma AB. He has published 75 scientific papers and is inventor of 9 issued patent families. During the early 1990’s he was involved in research showing that the MRI contrast agent Mangafodipirpossesses SOD-mimetic activity, a potentially useful property in treatment of several pathological conditions. Jan Olof G Karlsson has a PhD from Linköping University. Between 1990 and 1992 he held a position as a Research Fellow at the Swedish Medical Research Council. Thereafter he worked as a senior Scientist for Nycomed Imaging, which later became GE Healthcare, until 2007. At present he is a scientific advisor at PledPharma AB. He has published 75 scientific papers and is inventor of 9 issued patent families. During the early 1990’s he was involved in research showing that the MRI contrast agent Mangafodipirpossesses SOD-mimetic activity, a potentially useful property in treatment of several pathological conditions.