James R. Kemp

Associate Professor
University of Prince Edward Island

Professor Molecular Biology

Dr. James have been a member of the Biology Department at the University of Prince Edward Island since September 1993. Prior to coming to UPEI, he obtained his BSc and PhD from the University of Guelph where I completed my thesis on the floral biology and pollination biology of Rosa setigera Mich. Hismain areas of interest are floral morphology and pollination biology. He have taught a broad range of biology courses, and presently he is teaching courses related to human biology, botany, and microscopy.  

Research Intrest

His specific field of study is floral development and pollination biology. His research interests are focused on the evolution of dioecy and factors that influence the efficiency of plant breeding systems. Comparative studies of the structure and development of floral shoots in seed plants provides valuable information on developmental processes involved in the establishment of the floral organs, and resource allocation of resources involved in the evolution of breeding systems. Morphological concepts are basic to a number of disciplines in plant science, and the developmental studies can be applied to the study of problems in morphology, taxonomy, ecology, physiology, and genetics. By comparing the studies of floral biology with pollinator efficiency, my work allows me to examine the factors involved in a successful plant breeding system. This work may also be combined with physiological studies that investigate the effect of nutrients on pollination, and how the nutrients influence pollination success of commercial crops.

List of Publications
Kemp JR, Posluszny U, Gerrath JM, Kevan PG. Floral development of Rosa setigera. Canadian journal of botany. 1993 Jan 1;71(1):74-86.
Kemp JR, Kevan PG, Posluszny U. Morphological differences and changes of the gynoecium in short-lived flowers of Rosa setigera Michaux and their relationship to dioecy. International journal of plant sciences. 1993 Dec 1;154(4):550-6.
Lacroix CR, Kemp JR. Developmental morphology of the androecium and gynoecium in Ruppia maritima L.: considerations for pollination. Aquatic botany. 1997 Dec 1;59(3-4):253-62.
Gallant JB, Kemp JR, Lacroix CR. Floral development of dioecious staghorn sumac, Rhus hirta (Anacardiaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 1998 Jul 1;159(4):539-49.