J. Michael Mathis

Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Louisiana State University
United States of America


Department Head leading twenty faculty, four administrative staff, and two research cores. We conduct basic and translational research in diverse areas including cancer biology, cardiovascular disease, developmental biology, neurosciences, and toxicology.

Research Intrest

Adenovirus-based gene therapy, oncolytic virotherapy, and immunotherapy of cancer; cancer biomarkers; cancer therapeutics; molecular imaging

List of Publications
Heat shock protein genes and their functional significance in fish N Basu, AE Todgham, PA Ackerman, MR Bibeau, K Nakano, PM Schulte, George K Iwama
IL27 controls skin tumorigenesis via accumulation of ETAR-positive CD11b cells in the pre-malignant skin., Dibra, D; Mitra, A; Newman, M; Xia, X; Keenan, C; Cutrera, J; Mathis, J. Michael; Wang, X; Myers, J; Li , S, 2016, Oncotarget , Volume: 7, Number: 47, Pages: 77138-77151
A needle probe to detect surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS) within solid specimens, Basu, S; Hou, H; Biswas, D; Daniels-Race, Theda; Lopez, Mandi; Mathis, J. Michael; Feldman, Martin, 2017, Review of Scientific Instruments , Volume: 88, Number: 2