Izzat Bihnam Muttosh

Surgery, General Surgery
Hawler Medical University

Professor Surgery

He is a professor at Hawler Medical University. Education: MBChB, Mosul Univ. College of Medicine, 1979 High Diploma, Almustanseria University, 1990 CABS, Mosul centre, 1991

Research Intrest

colorectal surgery Biliary surgery Diabetic foot surgery

List of Publications
zzat B. N. Muttosh, "Abdominal Wall Hernias in Ninavah Province", , 1989.
Izzat B. N. Muttosh, "Management of fistula in ano with a steel wire cutting seton", ZANCA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2008.
Izzat B. N. Muttosh, "Injection Haemorrhoidal Sclerotherapy using 5% phenole in almond oil , a revision of sixteen years practice at a single clinic", 3rd International conference of Medical Sciences /HMU, 2012.