Irene Elisabeth De Pater

Assistant Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2005 M.A., With distinction Cum Laude, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001 B.A., Technical Management, HTS Confectie-Industrie, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1991

Research Intrest

Job Challenge Job Design Incivility Aging Career Development Gender

List of Publications
Attributed causes of work-family conflict: Emotional and behavioral outcomes, with Ilies, R., Lim, S. and Binnewies, C (2012), Organizational Psychology Review, 2, 293-310
Age, gender, and compensation: A study of Hollywood movie stars, with Judge, T. A. and Scott, B. A (2014), Journal of Management Inquiry, 23(4), 407-420
Challenging assignments and activating mood: The influence of goal orientation, with Preenen, P. T. Y. and Van Vianen, A. E. M (2014), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 650-659

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management