Intekhab Islam

Assistant Professor
Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
National University of Singapore

Professor Dentistry

BDS (2001), University of North Bengal, India, MSc (2005), NUS, MDS (2008), NUS

Research Intrest

Temporomandibular Disorders, Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaws, OroFacial pain, Human Embryonic Stem Cells

List of Publications
. Islam I, Chng HK, Yap AU. Comparison of the physical and mechanical properties of MTA and portland Cement. J Endod. 2006 Mar;32:193-7.
Islam I, Chng HK, Yap AU. X-ray diffraction analysis of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement. Int Endod J. 2006 Mar;39:220-5.