Ingrid Undeland

Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Scien
Chalmers University of Technology

Professor Food and Nutrition

Ingrid Undeland is professor in Food science. Her research deals primarily with ways of optimizing the use of aquatic raw materials (fish, shellfish, algae) through development of efficient quality preserving techniques, and through isolation of high value functional and/or bioactive compounds. Within the quality preservation area, a primary focus is lipid oxidation and how this destructive reaction is affected by pro- and antioxidants in the raw material/food product itself, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract. Within the isolation area, research is conducted for example on the so called pH-shift process and how it can be used to separate functional proteins from lipids and insoluble components in complex raw materials. Currently, development of cell-based model systems to test different aquatic isolates for antioxidative properties is also ongoing.

Research Intrest

Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition