Inbal Israely

Assistant Professor
Pathology and Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Inbal Israely, is a Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, areas of interest research understanding how activity can lead to specific structural changes which may be important for learning, and how such changes affect connectivity within neural circuits. By combining molecular and genetic tools together with imaging and electrophysiological methodologies, we investigate how information is physically stored in the brain.

Research Intrest

Synaptic plasticity, neuronal structure, dendritic integration, 2-photon imaging, glutamate uncaging, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders

List of Publications
Ramiro-Cortés YR,Israely I(2013)Long lasting protein synthesis- and activity-dependent spine shrinkage and elimination after synaptic depression. PLoS One 8.
Ramiro-Cortés YR,Israely (2013) Synaptic competition in structural plasticity and cognitive function. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 369 :20130157.
Kosik KS,Donahue CP,Israely I,Liu X,Ochiishi T (2004) Delta-catenin at the synaptic-adherens junction. Trends Cell Biol 15:172-8