Inayara Cristina Alves Lacerda

Faculty of Pharmacy
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor Food and Nutrition

He holds a Master's degree in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2002) and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2006). She is currently a professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), working in the disciplines of Food Microbiology, Food Hygiene, Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in food at the Department of Food of the Faculty of Pharmacy-UFMG. He has experience in the area of ​​applied microbiology, working mainly in the following topics: food microbiology, industrial microbiology, use of starter cultures (lactic acid bacteria and yeasts) in different fermentation processes, production of sour sprinkles and isolation of microorganisms producing lipase.

Research Intrest

Disciplines taught, Food Hygiene. Food Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnology in the production of fermented foods

List of Publications
Santos, DS; Lívia Tereza A. Souza; OLIVEIRA2, JS; SANTORO, MM; LACERDA, ICA ; COLEN1, G.; TAKAHASH, JA. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides lipase: Characterization and use in hydrolysis and esterifications. African Journal of Microbiology Research , v. 9, p. 1322-1330, 2015.
FALEIRO, LR; PEREIRA, BS; LACERDA, ICA ; NICOLI, JR ; Souza, MR; Evelyn de Souza Oliveira Lopes ; Álvaro Nunes; Souza, T. C; Alvim, LB. Evaluation of culture medium for selective enumeration of Bifidobacterium spp. In combination with different strains of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from commercial yorgurt starter cultures .. African Journal of Microbiology Research , v. 9, p. 281-373, 2015.
D. BARRETO, ALINE; MR GUTIERREZ, ÉRIKA; R. SILVA, MAURO; O. SILVA, FABIANO; OC SILVA, NILTON; CA LACERDA, INAYARA ; A. LABANCA, RENATA; LB ARAÚJO, RAQUEL. Characterization and Bioaccessibility of Minerals in Seeds of Salvia hispanica L. .. American Journal of Plant Sciences, V. 07, p. 2323-2337, 2016.
BERNUCCI, BEATRIZ SP; LOURES, CRISTINA MG; LOPES, SÁVIA CA; OLIVEIRA, Mônica C.; SABINO, ADRIANO P.; VILELA, JOSÉ MC; ANDRADE, MARGARETH S.; LACERDA, INAYARA C .; NICOLI, JACQUES R.; OLIVEIRA, EVELYN S.. Effect of microencapsulation conditions on the viability and functionality of Bifidobacterium longum 51A. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / Food Science + Technology , v. 80, p. 341-347, 2017.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition