Ian Grey

Associate Professor
Department of Natural Sciences and Health Sciences
Zayed University
Saudi Arabia

Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Ian Grey holds a PhD from the National University of Ireland and a D.Clin. Psych from Trinity College Dublin. He holds additional post-graduate qualifications in Applied Behaviour Analysis and in Forensic Psychology. He worked as a clinical psychologist for almost 20 years and previously specialized in the application of assessment and intervention methodology to the remediation of behavioural disorders in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. He has more recently worked in forensic psychology settings specializing in psychometric assessment in legal settings.

Research Intrest

Psychological intervention; Psychological Assessment; Research Methodology; Neurodevelopmental Disabilities; culture and mental health; the structure of psychological well-being.

List of Publications
Cassidy S, Roche B, Stewart I, Grey I (2016) A relational frame skills training intervention to increase general intelligence and scholastic aptitude. Learning and Individual Differences 47: 222-235.
Thomas J, Grey I (2016) From black bile to the bipolar spectrum: A historical review of the bipolar affective disorder concept. Archives of Depression and Anxiety 2: 10-15.
Grey I, Lydon O, Healy O (2016) Positive Behaviour Support: What Model of Disability does it represent? Journal of intellectual and developmental disabilities 41: 255-266.