Huiling Duan

Ocean Science and Engineering 
Peking University


National Outstanding Young Female Scientist, Outstanding Young Scholar Award, The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2011, National Excellent PhD Thesis of China in 2007,

Research Intrest

Micromechanics, Nanomechanics,Elasticity Theory

List of Publications
. Xue, Y.H., Markmann, J., Duan, H.L.*, Weissmuller, J., Huber, P. * (2014): Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold. Nature Communications 5:4237 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5237.
Liu, Y.J., Lv, P.Y., Ma, J., Bai, R.B., Duan, H.L.*(2014): Stress fields in hollow core–shell spherical electrodes of lithium ion batteries. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20140299.
Xiao, X.Z., Song, D.K., Xue, J.M., Chu, H.J., Duan, H.L.*(2015): A size-dependent tensorial plasticity model for FCC single crystal with irradiation. International Journal of Plasticity, 65, 152-167.