Hugh Elton

Ancient History and Classics
Trent University


B.A. (Sheffield), D.Phil. (Oxford) Prof. Elton specializes in Roman and Late Roman political and military history, and the regions of Cilicia and Isauria in southern Turkey. He has participated in a number of archaeological projects, most recently running a multi-period interdisciplinary survey in the Göksu Valley near Alahan, and providing advice about best practice for the archaeology of the BTC pipeline. Prof. Elton has taught in the Ancient Greek and Roman Studies programme since 2006. His teaching has included courses on the Trojan War, the history of the Roman world (including a number of upper-year courses focusing on the Late Roman Empire in the East), ancient warfare, Isauria, Anglo-Saxon England, Greek and Latin. Prior to his arrival at Trent, Hugh taught at a number of American Universities since 1993, and from 2001 through 2006 served as Director of the British Institute at Ankara. In 2016-2017, Prof. Elton will be on sabbatical

Research Intrest

specializes in Roman and Late Roman political and military history, and the regions of Cilicia and Isauria in southern Turkey.

List of Publications
29-"Romans and Goths: Recent Approaches", review article on Heather, P., Goths and Romans; Liebeschuetz, J., Barbarians and Bishops; Cameron, A. and Long, J., Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius; Heather, P. and Matthews, J., The Goths in the Fourth Century, Journal of Roman Archaeology 9 (1996), 566-574.
27-"Illus and the Late Roman Aristocracy under Zeno", Byzantion 70 (2000), 393-407. "The Nature of the Sixth-century Isaurians", in Mitchell, S. and Greatrex, G., eds., Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity (Swansea: University of Wales Press, 2000), 293-307.
26-"The Economic Fringe: The Reach of the Roman Empire in Rough Cilicia", in de Blois, L. and Rich, J., eds., The Transformation of Economic Life under the Roman Empire (Amsterdam: Gieben, 2002), 172-183.
25-"The economy of Cilicia in late antiquity", Olba 8 (2003), 173-181 + pl. 35-36. "Alahan and Zeno", Anatolian Studies 52 (2002), 153-157.
24-"Romanization and some Cilician Cults", in de Ligt, L. et al., eds., Roman rule and civic life: local and regional perspectives (Amsterdam: Gieben, 2004), 231-241. "Cilicia, Geography and the Late Roman Empire", Travel, Communication and Geography in Late Antiquity, ed. L. Ellis and F. Kidner, (Aldershot: Variorum, 2004), 5-10.
22-"LR 1 Amphorae and the economy of southern Asia Minor", in First International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae, Barcelona ed. J.M. Gurt i Esparraguera et al. BAR S1340 (Oxford: BAR, 2005), 691-695.
21-"Warfare and the Military in the Age of Constantine" in The Cambridge Companion to Constantine, ed. N. Lenski (Cambridge: CUP, 2006), 325-346.
20"Recent Work at Alahan", in Festschrift for Hayat Erkanal, ed. Günel, S., (Istanbul, Homer Kitabevi, 2006), 310-316. "Göksu Archaeological Project 2002-2004", Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 23.1 (Ankara, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2006), 331-342.
19-"Transformation of Government under Diocletian and Constantine", in Potter, D., ed., The Blackwell Companion to the Roman Empire (London: Blackwell, 2006), 193-205.
18-"A new late Roman urban centre in Isauria", Journal of Roman Archaeology 19 (2006), 300-311 (with M. Jackson, G. Mietke, J. Newhard, L. Özgenel, and E. Twigger).
17-"The Roman Countryside at Alahan, Turkey", in Lewin, A.S. and Pellegrini, P., eds., Settlements and Demography in the Near East in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the colloquium, Matera 27-29 October 2005 (Rome, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2006), 59-66.
15-"Ecclesiastical Politics in Late Antique Isauria", in Festschrift for Wolf Liebeschuetz, eds. J.F. Drinkwater and B. Salway, (London, Institute of Classical Studies, 2007), BICS Supp. 91, 77-85.
14-"Army and Battle in the Age of Justinian" in A Companion to the Roman Army, ed. P. Erdkamp (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007), 532-550.
13-"Göksu Arkeoloji Projesi", in Silifke Müzesi Konferansları, ed. I. Öztürk (Silifke, 2007), 91-95.
12-"Roman Military Forces from the Third to the Seventh Centuries" in Sabin, P., Van Wees, H. and Whitby, M., eds., The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare (Cambridge: CUP, 2007), 270- 309.
11-"Cavalry in Late Roman Warfare"¸ in The Late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest: Proceedings of a colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy (May 2005), Lewin, A.S. and Pellegrini, P., BAR S1717 (Oxford: BAR, 2007), 377-381.
10-"Geography, Labels, Romans and Cilicia", in H. Elton and G. Reger, eds., Regionalism in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (Bordeaux, Ausonius Press, 2007), 25-31.
9-"Rome and the Barbarians", in The Ancient World at War, ed. P. de Souza (London, Thames and Hudson, 2008), 202-215.
8-"Göksu Archaeological Project 2005-2006", Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 25.2 (Ankara, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2008), 237-250.
6-"Imperial Politics at the Court of Theodosius II", in Cain, A. and Lenski, N., eds., The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), 133-142 .
5-Avkat Archaeological Project 2007-2008" (with J. Haldon, J. Newhard, S. Lockwood), Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 27.3 (2009), 29-51.
4-Drinkwater, J.F., and ELTON, H.W., eds., Fifth-Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? (Cambridge: CUP, 1992, paperback 2002).
3-Frontiers of the Roman Empire (London: Batsford; Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996).
2-Warfare in the Roman Empire: A.D. 350-425 (Oxford: OUP, 1996, paperback 1998).
1-ELTON, H.W. and Reger, G., eds., Regionalism in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (Bordeaux, Ausonius Press, 2007)