
Present he is a Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University and Programme Director, Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine. He done his PhD in Department of Botany, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Beijing Medical University. Graduated B.Sc. in Department of Biology, Hunan Normal University. BEfore that he is professor during 1997-2006 Professor, Department of Natural Medicines, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University Health Science Center

Research Intrest

Plant Taxonomy, Medicinal Plant Resources Study and Natural Products Chemistry, Quality Assessment and Control of Chinese Materia Medica

List of Publications
Yi-Na Tang, Yu-Xin Pang, Xi-Cheng He, Ya-Zhou Zhang, Jian-Ye Zhang, Zhong-Zhen Zhao, Tao Yi, Hu-Biao Chen. UPLC–QTOF–MS Identification of Metabolites in Rat Biosamples after Oral Administration of Dioscorea saponins: A Comparative Study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2015; 165:127-140. Tao Yi, Lin Zhu, Wan-Ling Peng, Xi-Cheng He, Hong-Li Chen, Jie Li, Tao Yu, Zhi-Tao Liang, Zhong-Zhen Zhao, Hu-biao Chen. Comparison of ten major constituents in seven types of processed tea using HPLC-DAD-MS followed by principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2015; 62(1):194-201. Tian-Bo Zhang, Rui-Qi Yue, Jun Xu, Hing-Man Ho, Dik-Lung Ma, Chung-Hang Leung, Siu-Leung Chau, Zhongzhen Zhao, Hu-Biao Chen*, Quan-Bin Han. Comprehensive quantitative analysis of Shuang-Huang- Lian oral liquid using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS and HPLC-ELSD. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2015; 102:1-8.

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences