Huang Wei

Associate Professor
South University of Science and Technology of China


Huang Wei, Master of Physics and Doctor of Biomedical Sciences. He has served as a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Diabetes Digestive and Nephrology at the National Institutes of Health and Assistant Professor of Department of Physics and Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong. In August 2013 joined the Southern University of Science and Technology Department of Biology, any associate professor. Huang Wei is committed to the interdisciplinary research of physics and biology, published in the "science", "scientific instrument reviews", "biochemistry", "molecular endocrine", "physical commentary" and other academic journals. Its academic characteristics are based on quantitative biological experiments, the use of experimental and theoretical means, describe the cell differentiation and biological pattern formation of the dynamic process.

Research Intrest

Biological, physical and engineering cross-scientific research, including biophysics, systems biology, quantitative biology, synthetic biology, biological pattern formation, stem cells and regenerative medicine.

List of Publications
Lu X, Huang W, (2014) PiggyBac Mediated Multiplex Gene Transfer in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell. PLoS One 9: 115072.
Wei W, Huang W, Yue J, (2016) Requirement of IP3 Receptor 3 (IP3R3) in Nitric Oxide induced Cardiomyocyte Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Experimental Cell Research 346: 9-16.
Liu L, Huang W, Huang JD, (2017) Synthetic circuits that process multiple light and chemical signal inputs. BMC Systems Biology 11: 5.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology