Hossein Ahmadvand Department of Physics

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Isfahan University of Technology

Professor Physics

 Currently He is working as a Assistant professor of condensed matter physics, Isfahan University of Technology.

Research Intrest

  Magnetic materials: manganites, soft ferittes, transition metal oxides, ... Magnetic and electrical properties: magnetocaloric, magnetoresistance (CMR, AMR), ... Magnetic phenomena in nanostructures (Exchange bias, Superparamagnetism, Spin-glass, …) Surface physics and thin film deposition High temperature superconductivity

List of Publications
ynthesis and characterization of PVP-coated Co0. 3Zn0. 7Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 404 (2016) 21. - E. Jaberolansar, P. Kameli, H. Ahmadvand, and H. Salamati
Effects of Zn-Cr-substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Ni1−xZnxFe2− xCrxO4 ferrites - Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 16948. - S. Karimi, P. Kameli, H. Ahmadvand, and H. Salamati
Effects of strain on the magnetic and transport properties of the epitaxial La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 420 (2016) 33. - M. Zarifi, P. Kameli, M.H. Ehsani, H. Ahmadvand, and H. Salamati