Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy

Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
McGill University

Professor Food and Nutrition

BSc (Bangalore) MSc (Mysore)    Ph D (UBC) President Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (2015-16) Editor Journal of Food Engineering (2008-) Chair Scholarship Committee IFTPS (2008-) Foreign Expert & Visiting Professor Zhejiang University, China (2012-) Visiting Professor Addis Ababa University Ethiopia (2015-)

Research Intrest

Dr. Ramaswamy's primary research interest is thermal processing and related processes including thin profile (retort pouch), aseptic processing of low acid liquid and particulate foods, food sterilization in rotational autoclaves and microwave processing. His current research also includes other areas such as pasteurization, freezing, drying, post-harvest technology, food system rheology and computer modeling. Dr. Ramaswamy's early research on thermal processing resulted in several key developments - demonstrating heat transfer distribution, not temperature, be a performance indicator of overpressure cookers; his long term activities at Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists (USA) and development of guidelines for heat penetration testing culminated in getting him the prestigious IFTPS Marvin Tung Award (2014). Heat transfer rates are promoted by container agitation during processing which improves the product temperature rise and uniformity, thereby preventing overcooking and improving product quality. Dr. Ramaswamy has explored in depth end-over-end agitation (batch operations) and biaxial rotary processing (continuous retorts) and currently focusing on a newer more of agitation based on reciprocation motion of can within the retort. Dr. Ramaswamy has contributed significantly to exploration of novel techniques like microwave/RF and ohmic heating, and the use of extrusion processing technology for creating value added products. Dr. Ramaswamy's more recent research thrust is in the area non-thermal processing of foods especially application of high pressure processing. Supported by funding from Canada Foundation for Innovation, he has established a state of the art, first of its kind high pressure technology pilot plant facility on Macdonald Campus leading Canada in this area. The latest technology currently under investigation through support from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council is exploring pulsed light (PL) for decontaminating foods. For his outstanding contributions to food processing and engineering research, Dr. Ramaswamy was awarded the 2015 Life Time Achievement Award at the ICEF-12 in Quebec City.

List of Publications
Heat transfer phenomena during thermal processing of liquid particulate mixtures – A Review Article · May 2017 with 136 Reads DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2014.989425
Effect of Reciprocating Agitation Thermal Processing (RA-TP) on Quality of Canned Tomato Puree (Solanum lycopersicum) Article · June 2017 with 26 Reads DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8054
Infrared thermography as a complementary tool for the evaluation of heat transfer in the freezing of fruit juice model solutions Article · October 2017 with 46 Reads DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2017.06.025

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition