Hongjie Zhang

Associate Professor
Research Centre for Standardization of Chinese Medicines
Hong Kong

Professor Medical Sciences

"He is a Associate Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, during 2007-2011 he is a Researh Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, he completed his Ph.D. Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China and M.S. Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China"

Research Intrest

Technical expertise Natural Product Chemistry; Research area Drug discovery and development from natural products

List of Publications
Zou J, Pan LT*, Li QJ, Zhao JH, Pu JX, Yao P, Gong NB, Lu Y, Kondratyuk TP, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Zhang HJ*, Sun HD. Rubesanolides A and B: diterpenoids from Isodon rubescens. Organic Letters 2011; 13: 1406-9. Yang JH, Kondratyuk TP, Jermihov K, Marler LE, Qiu X, Choi YS, Cao HM, Yu R, Pegan S, Hung R, Liu Y, Wang LQ, Mesecar AD, van Breemen RB, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Chen YG*, Zhang HJ*. Bioactive compounds from the Fern Lepisorus contortus. Journal of Natural Products 2011; 74: 129-36. Truong NB, Pham CV, Mai HDT, Hung NV, Cuong NM, Nguyen HT, Zhang HJ, Fong HHS, Franzblau SG, Soejarto DD, Chau MV. Chemical constituents from Xylosma longifolia and their anti-tubercular activity. Phytochemistry Letters 2011; 4: 250-253.

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