Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Economics
Texas A and M University
United States of America
Dr. Robert “Rob” Hogan is an Assistant Professor and Extension Economist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, District 6 stationed at the Texas A&M Extension Center in Fort Stockton. Dr. Hogan came to the Texas A & M System from the University Of Arkansas Division Of Agriculture as a faculty member in 2007.Rob was raised on a family farm and ranch in the Panhandle of Texas, east of Amarillo. He earned a B.S. in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University (1972). Returning to the family operation, he was a producer of beef cattle, forage, and wheat from 1972 through 1999. During this time like others in that area, he held various off farm jobs to increase and stabilize family income.In 1999 after all children were grown and gone from home, he returned to graduate school at Oklahoma State University with his wife Geniva. Rob received his Ph.D. in 2003 in agricultural economics with specialties in livestock marketing and production economics.As the District Economist, his responsibilities include presentation of economically related information and applied research in management, marketing, and policy for stakeholders in Far West Texas such as farmers and ranchers, merchandisers, processors, and lenders. His interests include farm and ranch management, production economics, economic markets, and product marketing.
Farm and Ranch management, Production Economics, Economic Markets, and Product Marketing