Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Temple University
United States of America


Dr. Wong joined Temple University since 2008 and is currently an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. After receiving his profession degree of Pharmacy at University of Toronto, he worked as a pharmacy manager for two years, and returned to Toronto to earn his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2006. He then completed his post-doctoral training at Ohio State University. Dr. Wong's research focuses on the use of nanotechnology to improve the therapeutic efficiency and safety of anticancer compounds. He is particularly interested in the strategic use of lipid-polymer hybrid nanotechnology and lipid-based nanosystems to deliver novel molecular therapeutics and lipophilic small molecule drugs for treatment and prevention of drug-resistant, metastatic cancers.

Research Intrest

Research Interests 1. Hybrid or lipid-based nanotechnology: Design, evaluation and optimization of lipid-polymer hybrid nanocarriers or lipid-based nanocarriers for sustained, controlled and targeted delivery of therapeutic oligonucleotides (e.g. RNAi agents) and small molecule compounds (e.g. poorly water-soluble novel molecules and chemo agents). 2. Strategically merging the “old” and “new”: Develop advanced nanomedicine-based therapeutic strategies for novel combination treatment (e.g. chemo-gene; chemo-molecular targeting agent) of malignant diseases, with emphasis on drug-resistant, metastatic prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. In addition, my group is expanding our advanced drug delivery research into other areas. Key areas include brain delivery for CNS illnesses, bone delivery for bone diseases (e.g. osteomyelitis and bone metastasis), peptide-based treatment of endocrine diseases.

List of Publications
Boushra M, Tous S, Fetih G, Korzekwa K, Lebo DB, et al. (2016) Development and evaluation of viscosity-enhanced nanocarrier (VEN) for oral insulin delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 511:462-472.
Xue HY, Tran NT, Wong HL​ (2016) A biodistribution study of solid lipid-polyethyleneimine hybrid nanocarrier for cancer RNAi therapy, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 108:68-75.
Zhao YZ, Lin M, Lin Q, Yang W, Yu XC, et al. (2016) Intranasal delivery of bFGF with nanoliposomes enhances in vivo neuroprotection and neural injury recovery in a rodent stroke model. Journal of Controlled Release 224:165-175.

Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences