Hennen Cummings

Associate Professor
Department of Agriculture
Tarleton State University
United States of America


Hennen Cummings is Associate Professor at Tarleton. Dr. Cummings has evaluated experimental herbicides, insecticides, nematicides, plant growth regulators, turfgrass paints and pigments, gypsum formulations, soil wetting agents, biostimulants, microbials, traffic injury abatement systems, new turfgrass and other plant varieties, and fertilizers using visual estimates of quality, injury, density, control. He has access to regional golf courses with nesting blue herons, deer, wild hogs, armadillo, and numerous passerine species for studies of urban wildlife. The Tarleton State University Turfgrass Field Laboratory has 12 species of irrigated cool and warm-season turfgrasses maintained at various mowing heights and levels. Dr. Cummings also has experience in environmental site assessment and environmental impact mitigation. His doctoral work examined pesticide movement in row crop and turfgrass systems.

Research Intrest

nematicides, plant growth regulators, turfgrass paints and pigments, gypsum formulations, soil wetting agents, biostimulants, microbials, traffic injury abatement systems, new turfgrass and other plant varieties.

List of Publications
Darilek LJ, Weindorf DC, Kumar A, Muir JP, Wittie RD, Cummings HD, Lambert BD (2007) Dairy Effluent Phosphorus Sequestration of Soils in Erath County, Texas. Soil Survey Horizens, 48, 51-56.
Dia M, David W, Thompson CA, Cummings HD (2009) Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Erath County, Texas. Studia Universitatis - Geographica, 2, 99-115
Beck LB, Cummings HD (2009) Evaluation of Vitazyme as a Fertilizer Supplement in Increasing Turfgrass Resistance to Damage from Traffic. 2009 Agronomy Abstracts. The results of these experiments were presented to the Crop Science Society of America in Pittsburgh