Helena Hauss

The Future Ocean


since 02/2016: DAAD Postdoctoral fellowship at IMR Bergen, Norway: "High-resolution analysis of cod egg and larvae distribution in the hydrographically dynamic Lofoten spawning area" 2012-2015: Postdoc in SFB 754 (subproject B8) 2008-2012: Ph.D. student in SFB 754 (subproject B2) 2007: Diploma Thesis, Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science, University of Hamburg 2006: Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark 2004-2008: Graduate Studies (Biological Oceanography, Zoology, Toxicology), Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel 2002-2004: Undergraduate Studies (Biology), Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

Research Intrest

Impact of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) on zooplankton in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic and Eastern Tropical South Pacific: distribution and metabolism Nutrient stoichiometry in marine food webs: N sources to the pelagic food web of the tropical ocean, N:P supply influencing phytoplankton and the phytoplankton-zooplankton link Ecology of small pelagic fishes: early life stages and reproduction Optical and acoustic observation methods in zooplankton and micronekton ecology Ecology of mesoscale eddies

List of Publications
Meyer J, Löscher C, Neulinger SC, Reichel A, Loginova AN, Borchard C, Schmitz R A, Hauss H, Kiko R, Riebesell U (2016) Changing nutrient stoichiometry affects phytoplankton production, DOP build up and dinitrogen fixation – a mesocosm experiment in the eastern tropical North Atlantic. Biogeosciences 12 (13). pp. 9991-10029
Czerny JMS, Hauss H, Löscher C, Riebesell U (2016) Dissolved N:P ratio changes in the eastern tropical North Atlantic: impact on phytoplankton growth and community structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 545:49-62
Fiedler B, Grundle D, Schütte F, Karstensen J, Löscher CR, Hauss H, Wagner H, Loginova A, Kiko R, Silva P, Körtzinger A (2016) Oxygen Utilization and Downward Carbon Flux in an Oxygen-Depleted Eddy in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic. Biogeosciences 13: 5633-5647.
Schütte F, Karstensen J, Krahmann G, Hauss H, Fiedler B, Brandt P, Visbeck M, Körtzinger A (2016) Characterization of “dead-zone” eddies in the eastern tropical North Atlantic. Biogeosciences 13:5865-5881
Biard T, Stemmann L, Picheral M, Mayot N, Vandromme P, Hauss H, Gorsky G, Guidi L, Kiko R, Not F (2016) In situ imaging reveals the biomass of giant protists in the global ocean. Nature 532:504-507