Heikki Kauppi

Department of Economics
Turku School of Economics


Academic Back​ground D.Soc.Sc. (economics), University of Helsinki​ Teaching Advanced econometrics (KTS28) Time series models and forecasting (KTS24) Principles of econometrics (KTJ7 / FDPE) Research Inte​r​ests theoretical econometrics, time series forecasting, housing markets, statistical analysis of climate change Selected Pub​​lications “Does temperature contain a stochastic trend: Linking statistical results to physical mechanisms,” (with R. Kaufmann, M. Mann and J. Stock) Climatic Change (forthcoming) “Buying a Home with a Resale Value: Location, Location, Location,” (with Markus Haavio) Scandinavian Journal of Economics (forthcoming) “Predicting the Fed’s target rate decisions,” Journal of Forecasting, 2012. “Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008,” (with R. Kaufmann, M. Mann and J. Stock) PNAS, 2011. “Does temperature contain a stochastic trend? Evaluating conflicting statistical results,” (with R. Kaufmann and J. Stock) Climatic Change, 2010 “Predicting U.S. recessions with dynamic binary response models,” (with P. Saikkonen) Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008 “Voting rules and budget allocation in the enlarged EU,” (with M. Widgrén) European Journal of Political Economy, 2007 Positions and Membe​rships Editor, Finnish Economic Papers Adjunct Professor of Statistics, University of Helsinki Head, Department of Economics, Turku School of Economics Head Teacher, Economics, Turku School of Economics Chairman, Aboe Centre for Economics (joint with Univ. of Turku and Åbo Akademi) Member, Board of Turku School of Economics Member, Supervisory Board of the Finnish Doctoral Programme in Economics (FDPE) Member, Steering Committee, FDPE Coordinator, Workshop on Econometrics and Computational Economics, FDPE Member, Committee of Eino H. Laurila National Income Medal, Statistics Finland

Research Intrest

theoretical econometrics, time series forecasting, housing markets, statistical analysis of climate change

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management