Hayley Chouinard

Agriculture and Resource Economics
Colorado State University
United States of America


Hayley Chouinard is Department Head in department of Agricultural & Resource Economics at Colorado State University from 2017. She was Associate Professor at Washington State University, School of Economic Sciences from 2008 – 2017. She was Co-Editor for Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics from 2012- 2016. She has completed her Ph.D. from Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California in 2002. Her main area of focus is Consumer demand for food products; Natural resource allocation and policy; Auction and lottery allocation theory

Research Intrest

Hayley Chouinard research interest includes: consumer demand for food products; the impact of nutrition information on consumer food choices and health outcomes; natural resource access and use; and market structure issues in agriculture.

List of Publications
Chouinard, HH, Paterson T, Wandschneider PR (2016) Inferences from Sparse Data: An Integrated, Meta-Utility Approach to Conservation Research. Ecol Econom 122: 71-78.
Sanatan S, Chouinard HH, McCluskey JJ (2016) Product Differentiation by Package Size. Agribus: Int J32: 3-15.
Chouinard HH, Galinato GI, Wandschneider PR (2016) Making Friends to Influence Others: Entry and Contribution Decisions that Affect Social Capital in an Association. Econom Inq 54: 819-834.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture