habil. Frank Endres

Clausthal University of Technology


Professor Endres received his scientific education from the University of Saarland, where he studied chemistry from 1988 to 1993, promoted three years later, and after completing his habilitation last year, received his doctorate for physics chemistry. The 36-year-old has already published 19 reviewed research articles, holds three patents and patterns of use, and has been able to present his scientific results at conferences, including in Trondheim and San Diego, California. 

Research Intrest

physics & electrochemistry

List of Publications
Endres F, El Abedin SZ. Air and water stable ionic liquids in physical chemistry. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2006;8(18):2101-16.
Zein El Abedin S, Endres F. Electrodeposition of Metals and Semiconductors in Air‐and Water‐Stable Ionic Liquids. ChemPhysChem. 2006 Jan 16;7(1):58-61.
Endres F, Bukowski M, Hempelmann R, Natter H. Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline metals and alloys from ionic liquids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2003 Jul 28;42(29):3428-30.