Guo benqing

Information and Communication Engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Professor Engineering

Benqing Guo received the B.Sc. in Opto-electronic technology from Zhengzhou University (2001). He received the M.Sc degree (2005) and Ph.D. degree (2011) in Electronics from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China. He worked as an engineer in UTstarcom and H3C corporations (2005-2008), and currently works as a researcher in University of Electronic Science and Technology, China.

Research Intrest

Research interests mainly focus on RF/analog integrated circuits for wireless communication. Presided over/ participated in the national IOT projects, fundamental research funds for the central universities, multiple function RF chip projects at CETC38, RF circuit projects at UT Starcom.

List of Publications
B Guo, J Chen, Y Wang, H Jin, G Yang, A wideband complementary noise cancelling CMOS LNA IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 142-145,2016
Benqing Guo, huifen wang, shiquan an, A Wideband Merged CMOS Active Mixer Exploiting Noise Cancellation and Linearity Enhancement, IEEE Trans. Microwave theory and techniques, Sep, 2014 [SCI]
Benqing Guo and Xiaolei Li, A 1.6–9.7 GHz CMOS LNA Linearized by Post Distortion Technique, IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., Volume:23 , Issue: 11, 2013 [SCI]

Global Scientific Words in Engineering