Grant Clark

Associate Professor
Bioresource Engineering
McGill University


Grant grew up on a small, mixed farm in the beautiful, ecologically diverse parkland region of Central Alberta. He received an industry-cooperative B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton (1993) and a PhD in Biosystems Engineering from McGill University, Montreal (2000). His Ecological Engineering Research Group at McGill uses computational tools and physical systems to study the design, creation and management of ecosystems to provide services.

Research Intrest

Ecological engineering is the creation of a community of plants, animals, microbes, and inanimate and technological components, so that they provide services. An example of such an engineered ecosystem is an in-vessel composter, in which a community of microbes breaks down organic waste into a soil-like product and the vessel controls the microbes’ environment to keep them happy. A different view of ecological engineering is the study of existing ecosystems to learn how materials and energy flow through them. We use this knowledge to improve the design of technological systems. An example of such ecosystem-inspired design is the passive ventilation of a building based on the principle of convective airflow through termite mounds. Ecosystems are complex adaptive systems. They are made of very many components that self-organize, interacting with one another and their surroundings in complicated and surprising ways, and giving rise to fascinating spatial and temporal patterns across different scales. All living things are complex systems; plants, for instance, are made of trillions of cells organized into specialized tissues, which use gradients in electromagnetic energy (light) and chemical concentrations to grow. Ecosystems are large-scale complex adaptive systems that include very many individual organisms.

List of Publications
Ecosystem biomimetics for resource use optimization in buildings Article · August 2015 with 149 Reads DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2015.1052315
Macro-nutrient availability in surface soil of urban tree pits influenced by land use, soil age, and soil organic matter content Article · September 2015 with 54 Reads DOI: 10.1007/s11252-015-0439-7 Cite this publication Maryam Kargar
Bioavailability of Sodium and Trace Metals under Direct and Indirect Effects of Compost in Urban Soils Article · May 2016 with 38 Reads DOI: 10.2134/jeq2015.07.0392

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