Graham Austin

Associate Professor of Marketing
College of Business & Entrepreneurship
Montana State University
United States of America


Graham Austin’s research centers on consumer perceptions and emerging strategic marketing paradigms. She is particularly interested in people’s use of consumption—and non-consumption—as a means of communication. She focuses on how consumers deliberately use consumption in order to pursue higher-order personal and community goals. As such, she has studied consumer perceptions of gift cards vs. gifts, Montana’s craft brewing industry, and the barefoot-running movement. Dr. Austin has recently worked on interdisciplinary research collaborations related to suicide prevention and intervention in Montana, farm-to-table innovations, and mobile user-centered technologies to help manage Type 1 diabetes.

Research Intrest

Transformative consumer research,  Consumer culture theory,  Human-centered design,  Strategic empathy

List of Publications
Austin GE, Rehfisch MM. The likely impact of sea level rise on waders (Charadrii) wintering on estuaries. Journal for Nature Conservation. 2003 Dec 31;11(1):43-58.
Maclean I, Austin GE, Rehfisch MM, Blew JA, Crowe O, Delany S, Devos K, Deceuninck B, Guenther K, Laursen K, Van Roomen M. Climate change causes rapid changes in the distribution and site abundance of birds in winter. Global Change Biology. 2008 Nov 1;14(11):2489-500.
Austin GE, Rehfisch MM. Shifting nonbreeding distributions of migratory fauna in relation to climatic change. Global Change Biology. 2005 Jan 1;11(1):31-8.
Austin GE, Thomas CJ, Houston DC, Thompson DB. Predicting the spatial distribution of buzzard Buteo buteo nesting areas using a Geographical Information System and remote sensing. Journal of Applied Ecology. 1996 Dec 1:1541-50.

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