GOTOH Tetsuo

Assistant professor
Agricultural department
Ibaraki University


 is Assistant professor at university of Ibraki,japan. He completed his Ph. D. in Applied Zoology at Hokkaido University, Japan in 1984  recently in 2003 he is awarded with The Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Award.He also had postdoctoral fellow at University of Amsterdam.

Research Intrest

My research is primarily concerned with the mechanism of speciation in spider mites (Acari) and herbivorous insects. I am specifically interested in the evolutionary processes leading to the utilization of different host plants by closely related mite species. To address such problems, biochemical markers (intra- and inter-specific variations in allozymes and DNA) are coupled with other studies (morphology, genetics, hybridization capabilities, ecology and life history). By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, a better understanding of the factors influencing rates of evolution is also expected to be achieved.

List of Publications
Ohno S, Gotoh T, Miyagi A, Kurima M, Kijima K etal (2012) Geographic distribution of phytoseiid mite species on crops in Okinawa, a subtropical area of Japan. Entomol. Sci. 15: 115-120.
Ullah MS, Haque MA, Nachman G and Gotoh T (2012) Temperature-dependent development and reproductive traits of Tetranychus macfarlanei (Acari: Tetranychidae). Exp. Appl. Acarol. 56: 327-344.
Kaneda T, Kameshiro M, Nakano A, Yonemoto K, Minami T, etal (2012) Susceptibility of the brown wheat mite, Petrobia latens (Müller)to agricultural chemicals in carrot crops. J. Acarol. Soc. Jpn. 21: 21-29.
Matsuda T, N Hinomoto, Singh RN and Gotoh T (2012) Molecular-based identification and phylogeny of Oligonychus species (Acari: Tetranychidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 105: 1043-1050.
Zhu LY, YK Zhang, Ge C,Gotoh T and Hong XY (2012) Wolbachia promotes the strength of Cardinium-induced CI in the spider mite Tetranychus piercei McGregor. Curr. Microbiol. 65: 516-523.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture