Gordon McLennan

Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
United States of America

Professor Medicine

The primary focus of our research is on how to more effectively deliver drugs to cancer without damaging normal tissues nearby. This includes research in sustained drug delivery, new drug systems with lower toxicity, as well as combinations of imaging, ablation technologies, and drug delivery techniques to improve tumor kill or destroy painful tumors while preserving normal function.

Research Intrest

Gordon has Hepatocellular Cancer; Local Drug Delivery; Image Guided Therapy; Endovascular therapy.

List of Publications
Lance C, McLennan G, Obuchowski N, Cheah G, et. al. Comparative Analysis of the Safety and Efficacy of Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization and 90Y Radioembolization in patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Submited & Revised for JVIR. In Press.
Babsky AM, Ju S, George B, Bennett S, Huang M, J, et al. (2011) Predicting response to benzamide riboside chemotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma using apparent diffusion coefficient of water. Anticancer Research. 31(6):2045-51.
Siskin GP, Haskal ZJ, McLennan G, Dake MD, et. al. Development of a research agenda for evaluation of interventional therapies for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency: proceedings from a multidisciplinary research consensus panel. Journal of Vascular & Interventional Radiology. 22(5):587-93.