Goran Miletić

Research associate
Division of Materials Chemistry
Rudjer Boskovic Institute

Professor Chemistry

Education 1998. - B.Sc. degree in chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb 2002. - M.Sc. degree in chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb 2007. - Ph.D. degree in chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Research Intrest


List of Publications
G. I. Miletić, Ž. Blažina, Magnetic order in ErCo5 and TmCo5 from the electronic structure calculations, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 (2009) 2300-2303.
G. I. Miletić, Ž. Blažina, Possible role of two iron sites in the metamagnetic transition observed in LaFe12B6, J. Alloys Comp. 430 (2007) 9-12.
G. I. Miletić, Ž. Blažina, Magnetic properties of DyCo5 and TbCo5 intermetallics from the electronic structure calculations, J. Solid State Chem. 180 (2007) 604-610.

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