Gillie Ann Marie

Neuro and Endocrine Clinic

Professor Neurology

Ann Marie Gillie was asked in 2012 to be a Canadian Advocate for Epilepsy and with her passion and drive for motivating others; her role has taken her internationally to speak. She works as an Education Assistant for Parkland County School Division in Alberta, Canada, where her role is working primarily with students who suffer from ADHD/ADD/ODD and other behaviour disorders. She is also a published author (“If Walls Could Talk and Let's Talk About Epilepsy”) and has had several articles published in regards to her personal experience with epilepsy and surgery. Her topics of discussion at conferences and seminars are, but not limited to surgery (Left Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy), women and epilepsy, sex and seizures and her books. She is passionate about helping others that struggle with the disorder and her goal is to help others internationally, both professionals in the field and those living with the disorder Ann Marie Gillie was asked in 2012 to be a Canadian Advocate for Epilepsy and with her passion and drive for motivating others; her role has taken her internationally to speak. She works as an Education Assistant for Parkland County School Division in Alberta, Canada, where her role is working primarily with students who suffer from ADHD/ADD/ODD and other behaviour disorders. She is also a published author (“If Walls Could Talk and Let's Talk About Epilepsy”) and has had several articles published in regards to her personal experience with epilepsy and surgery. Her topics of discussion at conferences and seminars are, but not limited to surgery (Left Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy), women and epilepsy, sex and seizures and her books. She is passionate about helping others that struggle with the disorder and her goal is to help others internationally, both professionals in the field and those living with the disorder

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