Gerasimos Makris

Department of Social Anthropology
Panteion University


Dr. Gerasimos Makris is a professor of Department of Social Anthropology. He has completed his Ph.D in Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). His research Interests are Anthropology of religion, witchcraft, spirit possession, Islam, Sufism, Christianity, conversion, diaspora, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, secularism. Middle East, North Africa, Muslim migrants.

Research Intrest

Anthropology of religion, witchcraft, spirit possession, Islam, Sufism, Christianity, conversion, diaspora, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, secularism. Middle East, North Africa, Muslim migrants.

List of Publications
"Anthropology, Colonialism and Post-Colonial Discourse’. In GefouMadianou, D. Faces of Anthropological Research. Athens: Ellinika Grammata (in Greek)"
"Slavery, Possession and History: The Construction of the Self among Slave Descendants in the Sudan.’ In Africa 66:2
"The Greek Orthodox Church and Africa: Missions between the Light of Universalism and the Shadow of Nationalism’, Studies in World Christianity 16:245-267