Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
United States of America
Our laboratory is focused on advancing the field of tissue engineering through development of new strategies for preservation, repair, regeneration, augmentation, or replacement of musculoskeletal tissues. We focus in three key areas: the harvest, processing and transplantation of adult connective tissue stem cells and progenitors (CTPs) for treatment of fractures and problems of degenerative joints; the effects of aging and osteoporosis on CTPs; and optimizing assays for CTPs and other stem cells.
George is Stem cell; progenitor cell; bone; cartilage; arthritis; aging; osteoporosis; bone loss; fracture non-union; blood; bone marrow; regenerative medicine; tissue engineering; gender differences; cell therapy; cell processing; orthopaedics; orthopaedic surgery; rheumatology;