George D. Fulk

Chair of Physical Therapy
Clarkson University
United States of America


Dr. Fulk primary teaching areas are neurologic physical therapy, neuroscience, motor learning, and research. He teaches these topics throughout the DPT Problem Based Learning curriculum. 

Research Intrest

Dr. Fulk’s research projects have primarily focused on measuring and improving locomotor capability in people with stroke and other neurological disorders. Specifically, his research has looked at methods of measuring walking ability and overall participation in people with stroke, interventions to improve walking ability in people with stroke and other neurological conditions, and the development and use of rehabilitation engineering technologies to enhance recovery in people with neurological disorders. He has collaborated with engineering faculty to develop novel technologies that monitor walking activity and ambulatory assistive devices.

List of Publications
"Middleton A, Fulk GD, Beets MW, Herter TM, Fritz SL. Self-selected and maximal walking speeds provide greater insight into fall status than walking speed reserve among community- dwelling older adults. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. In press, January 2016."
"Middleton A, Fulk GD, Beets MW, Herter TM, Fritz SL. Self-selected walking speed is predictive of daily ambulatory activity in older adults. J Aging Phys Activity. In press, August 2015."
"Fulk GD, Combs SA, Danks KA, Nirider CD, Raja B, Reisman DS. Accuracy of Two Activity Monitors in Detecting Steps in People with Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury. Phys Ther. 2014;94:222-229."