George C S Lin

Social Science
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong


George C.S. Lin, Associate Dean (Research) and Professor at the Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong. He is overseeing the research development in the Faculty. He is the author of 5 scholarly monographs and many research articles published in leading internationally refereed journals (China Quarterly, Modern China, Population and Development Review, and Annals of the AAG, etc).

Research Intrest

China's urban development and urbanization, land use and land management, the growth of urbanism, rural industrialization and regional development in the Pearl River Delta, transnationalism, cross-border population mobility, the geography of Chinese diaspora.

List of Publications
China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household. C. Cindy Fan Journal:Eurasian Geography and Economics
Changing theoretical perspectives on urbanisation in Asian developing countries Journal:Third World Planning Review
Changing economic dynamism in Chinese cities under globalization: A case study of the Guangzhou Metropolis Book:Asian Economic Dynamism in the Age of Globalization
Changing discourses in China geograhy: a narrative evaluation Journal:Environment and Planning A
Changing central-local relation in post-reform China: a geographical perspective Journal:The Journal of Chinese geography
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State (Book Review) Journal:Pacific Affairs
Border management and growth coalitions in the Hong Kong transborder region Journal:Identities
As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces on the Pacific Rim. Xiangming Journal:Eurasian Geography and Economics