Gary Johnson

Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics


Dr. Johnson's research focuses on issues relating to water quality and water quantity, and modeling especially as this affects and is affected by agriculture. His research interests also include the analysis and design of institutions surrounding natural resource and environmental policy. His most recent research has focused in on impacts of alternative methods of manure management on the environment and impacts of policies on farmers for controlling environmental problems associated with manure management.

Research Intrest

Environmental & Natural Resource Economics, Law and Economics, Welfare Economics, Sustainable Development

List of Publications
MacMillan, J., G. Johnson, D. Kraft, M. Power, & I. Dragojevic. 1994. Trade Policies and Impact Assessment: The Manitoba Pembina Valley Water Supply Project. Impact Assessment. 12(2):153-173.
Bouzaher, A., J. B. Braden, G. V. Johnson, and S. E. Murley. 1994. An Efficient Algorithm for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 45(1):39-46.
Sy, H., M. D. Faminow, and G. V. Johnson. 1997. Estimating the Values of Cattle Characteristics Using an Ordered Probit Model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 79(2):463-476
Yulianti, J. S., B. J. Lence, G. V. Johnson and A.K. Takyi. 1999. Nonpoint Source Water Quality Management Under Uncertainty. Journal of Enviornmental Management.55(3):199-217
Brown J. & G. V. Johnson. 2001. Municipal Level Land-Use Decision Making Activities for Livestock Operations in Manitoba, Report to the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture