Gail Rice

Associate Professor
Allied Health Studies
Loma Linda University
United States of America

Professor Healthcare

Dr. Gail Rice is an Professor in Loma Linda University in Allied Health Studies department.

Research Intrest

 Allied Health Studies

List of Publications
Rice, G. and Lenihan, S. (2010). Fontbonne university: Collaboration in speech-language pathology and early intervention in deaf education. The Volta Review 110(2) 293-296.
Hubbard, BA, Rice, GB, Muzaffar, AR. (2010). Adenoid involvement in velopharyngeal closure in children with cleft palate. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery (18)4: 135-128.
Accardo, P., Whitman, B. with Rice, G. (2011). Developmental Disabilities Terminology (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Paul Brookes.