Gabriela Margareta Ciobanu

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental
Department of Organic, Biochemical and Food Engineering
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi


Gabriela Margareta Ciobanu is currently working in Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași. Her current work is on Biomaterials, Porous nanostructured materials

Research Intrest

Her research interest is on Biomaterials with obtaining and characterization, zeolites, oxides and its applications in medicine, adsorption, ion exchange.

List of Publications
Ciobanu G,Ciobanu O (2016). High performance ultrafiltration mixed-matrix membranes based on cellulose acetate and nanohydroxyapatite. Desalination and Water Treatment 57: 48-49.
Ciobanu G, Ilisei S, Harja M (2016) Kinetic and equilibrium studies on adsorption of Reactive Blue 19 dye from aqueous solutions by nanohydroxyapatite adsorbent , Archives of Environmental Protection 2: 3-11.
Bezdadea M, Savin, Ciobanu G (1993) Use of glycidils in the modification of polyurethane membrane structures , Polymer International 32 : 407-410.