Frederic Berger

Gregor Mendel Institute for Molecular Plant Biology
Gregor Mendel Institute


Dr Frederic Berger is a Senior Group Leader researching the impact of histone variants on indexing and structuring genetic information. Nationality: French. Current and Former Positions: INRA, Lyon, France Research Scientist. Research assistant professor. 1997-2004 Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory, Group Leader, Singapore 2004-2014.  

Research Intrest

More than a simple scaffold for the DNA, the conserved proteins histones participate to regulations of genome activities. We explore how variants of core histones impact on genome expression, organization and inheritance. He  study interactions between histone variants with other chromatin modifications, contributing epigenetic landscapes that modulate cellular events in somatic and reproductive tissues. Chromatin Architecture and Function.  

List of Publications
Kawashima T, Berger F (2014) Epigenetic reprogramming in plant sexual reproduction. Nat Rev Genet 15: 613-24.
Kawashima T, Maruyama D, Shagirov M (2014) Dynamic F-actin movement is essential for fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana. eLife 3: e04501.
Yelagandula R, Stroud H, Holec S (2014) The histone variant H2A.W defines heterochromatin and promotes chromatin condensation in Arabidopsis. Cell 158: 98-109.

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