Florian Täube

Chair of Entrepreneurship
Economics & Business Administration
Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management


Dr. Florian Täube holds the Emile Bernheim Chair of Entrepreneurship in a Global Context at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université libre de Bruxelles), Belgium endowed by the Fondation Bernheim (http://www.fondationbernheim.be). He studies the role of networks and knowledge for innovation and entrepreneurship in different contexts. His research ranges from networks and knowledge flows at intra-firm level to geographical clusters and diaspora entrepreneurship at a global level, in industries such as cleantech, automotive, IT and motion pictures (Bollywood). He has published in academic journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of International Management, European Management Review, Advances in Strategic Management and Energy Policy as well as contributed to several edited books. Florian teaches entrepreneurship and innovation management in Belgium and Germany as well as to Indian, Chinese and Cypriot entrepreneurs and to German high-school students. He is member of the Executive Committee of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management and on the Ediorial Boards of several journals in the field of international business. Apart from academic activities, he is involved in a few early-stage ventures and has co-founded the Germany chapter of The IndUS Entrepreneur (TiE).

Research Intrest

Economics & Business Administration