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Flemmig TF, Feres M, Faveri M, Flgueiredo LC, Teles R et al (2015) Group B. Initiator paper. Non-surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalities. Journal of International Academy of Periodontology 17(1 Suppl):21-30.
Daubert DM, Weinstein BF, Bordin S, Leroux BG & Flemmig TF (2015) Prevalence and Predictive Factors for Peri-Implant Disease and Implant Failure: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Journal of Periodontology 86:337-347
Beikler T & Flemmig TF (2015) EAO consensus conference: economic evaluation of implant-supported prostheses. Clinical Oral Implants Research 26 (Suppl 11):57-63.
Neering SH, Adyani-Fard S, Klocke A, Ruttermann S, Flemmig TF & Beikler T (2015) Periodontitis associated with plasminogen deficiency: a case report. BMC Oral Health 15:59.
Pozhitkov AE, Leroux BG, Randolph TW, Beikler T, Flemmig TF & Noble PA (2015)Towards microbiome transplant as a therapy for periodontitis: an exploratory study of periodontitis microbial signature contrasted by oral health, caries and edentulism. BMC Oral Health 15.
Peters U, Solominidou E, Korkmaz Y, Ruttermann S, Klocke A, Flemmig TF , Beikler T (2016) Regulator of Calcineurin 1 in Periodontal Disease. Mediators of Inflammation 95 (Spec Issue B):1-7.