Figen Çok

Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychologi
TED University

Professor Psychiatry

She got her Bachelor degree from Middle East Technical University, Psychology program in 1984. Later she started her MA degree at Ankara University at the department of Psychological Services in Education and joined the faculty as research assiatnt in 1987. She got her Ph.D. in 1993. She stayed at Counseling department of Oregon State University, US as a visiting scholar in the 1994-95 academic year. She was involved in an international research project on “College students’ sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS” and carried the project in Turkey. In 1997 she got her associate professorship on “Educational Psychology” and became professor in 2003. She worked as faulty of Counseling Program as well as the Department Chair, Member of Faculty Council, Executive member and council member of Institute of Educational Sciences, Assistant Director of Center for Research on Child Culture at Ankara University. In 2010, she retired from Ankara University and started to work at BaÅŸkent University, Faculty of Education until september 2012.

Research Intrest

Figen Çok’s research interests are psychosocial development in adolescence, sexual development and education, transition to adulthood and she carried out various research projects mainly from TÜBÄ°TAK, 7. th Framework, EU Life Long learning and Youth programs (LDV and Intensive Programs) on international and national level. She was also involved in “ERDEP” project and “Raising health awarness among adolescents” projects with Ministry of Education and NGO’s. She has journal articles, book chapters and books in Turkish and english. She is the president of European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). She is married and has two children.

List of Publications
Maraşlı M, Suhendan E, Yılmaztürk H, Çok F (2016) Parents’ Shares on Social Networking Sites About their Children: Shareting, Anthropologist 24:399-406.
Morsunbul U, Crocetti E, Cok F, Meeus W (2016) Identity statuses and psychosocial functioning in Turkish youth: A person-centered approach, Journal of Adolescence 47:145-155.
Crocetti E, Beyers W, Cok F 2016 Shedding light on the dark side of identity: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Adolescence, 47:104-108.
Ozdemir Y, Vazsonyi A, Cok F 2017 Parenting Processes, Self esteem and Aggression: A Mediational Model. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 14:509-532.