Faramarz Helali

Department of Technology and Social Sciences
Lulea University of Technology

Professor General Science

Faramarz Helali is Technology Ph.D., Human Work Science and Engeering Licentiate , Industrial Ergonomics at Luleå University of Technology, and also, M.Sc. and B.Sc. Industrial Management in Iran. He has more than 18 years active career as industrial manager, and also over 19 years ergonomics and Human Factors research study, training and learning as well as different action research-types intervention in an Industrially Developing Country with its reflection practices to IDCs. He also played a key role in the establishment of the Ergonomics Society in Iran. He was the first Vice President Iranian Ergonomics Society (IES) that it has established in the pre-intervention phase of his Ergonomics Intervention Programme since 2001. Helali’s consideration and contribution is ergonomics as software technology, technique, ‘Know-How’ transfer that it has potential challenging in IDCs. He has investigated and mentioned ‘what are challenges?’ ‘What are adjustments?’ And also what are development and testing of systematic techniques for ergonomic intervention in the IDC and the further research study? For universal applicability – generalizability - of findings and recommendations: See, his publications.

Research Intrest

His special areas of interest are Ergonomics and Human Factors Knowledge transfer to organizations; Systemic Macroergonomics Intervention Work; Organizational Design and Management (ODAM), Participatory Ergonomics; Appreciative Macroergonomics; Organizational Development and Productivity; Pedagogical Development; Learning theories; Action Learning; Action Research-types Intervention; Industrially Developing Countries (IDCs); Reflection Practices. Mode 2 & Mode 3 of Knowledge.

List of Publications
Dastranj F, Helali F (2016) Implementing “Job Enrichment” with using Ergonomic Checkpoints in an ‘Appreciative Way’ at a Manufacturing Company in an Industrially Developing Country and its Meta-reflection. J Ergonomics 6:172. doi: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000172
Abdollahpour N, Helali F (2016) Implementing ‘Awakened Need of Change’ for Applying Ergonomics to Work System with Macroergonomics Approach in an Industrially Developing Country and its Meta-Reflection. J Ergonomics 6:182. doi: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000182

Global Scientific Words in General Science