Eun-Young Lee

Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Pennsylvania State University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Eun-Young Lee currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at Pennsylvania State University. I received my PhD in Psychology (Cognition and Neuroscience) at University of Missouri-Columbia. Eun-Young Lee have a broad background in psychology and neurology, with specific training in research areas of Cognitive functions in neurodegenerative disorders [e.g., Parkinson’s disease (PD)], EEG (electroencephalography), and MRI techniques. Eun-Young Lee have worked on all aspects of several clinical translational projects from study design; subject evaluation; imaging data collection, analysis, interpretation, and manuscript writing; and grant preparations. Eun-Young Lee have a keen interest in both normal and dysfunctional brain processes, as well as detecting markers to help us better understand brain function. For example, Eun-Young Lee current research focuses on investigating structural and functional brain changes in PD patients (disease progression and/or dementia conversion or factors that may modify the course of the disease progression) and preclinical populations who are at risk for developing neurobehavioral disorders (e.g., asymptomatic welders and farmers) by means of multimodal MRI markers.

Research Intrest

Psychology, Neurology, Parkinson’s Disease, Electroencephalography, MRI Techniques, Progression, Dementia, Asymptomatic Welders, Farmers, MRI markers

List of Publications
Lewis MM, Flynn MR, Lee E-Y, Van Buren S, Van Buren E, et al. (2016) Longitudinal T1 relaxation rate (R1) captures changes in short-term Mn exposure in welders. NeuroToxicol 57: 39-44.
Lee E-Y, Eslinger PJ, Flynn MR, Wagner D, Du G, et al (2017) Association of neurobehavioral performance with R2 in the caudate nucleus of asymptomatic welders. NeuroToxicol 58: 66-74.
Lewis MM, Sterling NW, Du G, Lee E-Y, Shyu G, et al (2017) Lateralized basal ganglia vulnerability to pesticide exposure in asymptomatic agricultural workers. Toxicol Sci.
Lee E-Y, Flynn MR, Lewis MM, Mailman RB, Huang X (2017) Manganese-related brain and functional changes in welders with chronic and low-level exposure. NeuroToxicol.