Eric Ribbens

Plant ecology & taxonomy
western illinois university
United States of America

Professor Genetics

 Ph.D. - University of Connecticut, 1995 M.S. - University of Wyoming, 1988 B.S. - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, 1986

Research Intrest

Spatial ecology; plant recruitment limitation; patterns of seed production, seed dispersal, and seedling dispersion; midwest cactus ecology I study a little prickly pear that is rare in the upper midwest. It grows well into Canada, and is more common in the west.  

List of Publications
Mottiar, Y., Chafe, P.D.J. and E. Ribbens. 2015. Imperfect flowers of Opuntia fragilis in Kaladar, Ontario. Haseltonia 22:22-25.
Ribbens, E. June 2015. Remembering Bill Beaston. CactusWorld [Vol. 33(2)].
Ogilvie, M.R., Ribbens, Eric. 2016. Professor Eric can’t see: a project-based learning case for neurobiology students. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 15:C4