Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori
Scientific Maturity at the Gonzaga Institute of Milan in 1972, graduated in Medicine and Surgery with full marks in 1978 at the University of Milan. In 1982 he specializes in "Digestive Diseases" and in 1987 in "Internal Medicine" at the University of Milan. He has completed his training with some of the foreign experiences, especially focused on the Operational Endoscopy of the biliary and pancreas (1990 The Endoscopy Service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona directed by Dr. JR Armengol Miro '- 1991 and 93 the Academic Medisch Centrum Endoscopy Service of the University of Amsterdam directed by Dr. K. Huibregtse) and more recently to learn the Digestive Substrate Dissension Techniques (2013 NTT Medical Center in Tokyo). Since 1978 he has been working at the Institute of Clinical Medicine III of the University of Milan (Director Prof. Nicola Dioguardi), led by Prof. Alberto Tittobello from the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Service. In 1988 he was hired as the General Department of General Medicine and Gastroenterology. at the Policlinico S. Marco di Zingonia (BG) In 1990 he was employed at the Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Service of the S. Raffaele Institute, first as an assistant and then as an assistant. Since January 2002 he has been the Head of the Digestive Endoscopy Functional Unit of the same Isituto. Since June 2008 Director of Unit Department of Digestive Endoscopy S.Paolo Hospital. From October 2014 UOC Director of Endoscopy Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery of the National Cancer Institute of Milan.
Research interest in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Service.