Emilia Bagiella

population health science and policy
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Healthcare

Dr. Bagiella is  Professor of Biostatistics in the Center for Biostatistics in the Department of Population Health Science & Policy at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She also serves as Director, Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD), at the MSSM CTSA, CONDUITS.  She is Director of the “Reach for the First R01” and “Reach for the first K” course within CONDUITS. She has extensive experience in clinical trial methodology and the design and analysis of longitudinal studies. She also has a methodological interest in outcome assessment and the issues related to evaluating outcomes in different populations. She has served as a DSMB member for clinical trials in Neurology, Cardiology and HIV. 

Research Intrest

Clinical Research Education Cardiology  HIV Neurology

List of Publications
Benn EK, Hauser WA, Shih T, Leary L, Bagiella E, etal (2009) Underlying cause of death in incident unprovoked seizures in the urban community of Northern Manhattan, New York City. Epilepsia 50: 2296-300.
Kelvin EA, Carpio A, Hesdorffer DC, Bagiella E, Leslie D, etal (2009) Ecuadorian Neurocysticercosis Group . Investigation of familial aggregation of seizures in neurocysticercosis patients. Epilepsy Research 84: 67-71.
Sloan RP, Shapiro PA, DeMeersman RE, Bagiella E, Brondolo EN, etal (2009) The effect of aerobic training and cardiac autonomic regulation in young adults. American Journal of Public Health 99: 921-928.
Bagiella E (2009) Clinical trials in rehabilitation; Single or Multiple Outcomes? . Arch Phys Med Rehabil 90: 517-521.
Bagiella E, Novack TA, Ansel B, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dikmen S, etal (2010) Measuring Outcome in TBI Treatment Trials: Recommendations from the TBI Clinical Trials Network. Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation 25: 375-82.