Elisheva Rosman Stollman

Political Studies
Bar Ilan University


Dr. Elisheva Rosman is an assistant professor in the Political Studies department. After completing her doctoral studies on mediating structures and greedy institutions, she traveled to the University of Texas at Austin for post-doctoral work, where she served as a Schusterman Visiting Professor at the department of Middle Eastern Studies. After returning to Israel, she joined the faculty of the Political Studies department at Bar Ilan. Her book, "For God and Country? Religious Student-Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces," was published by the University of Texas Press and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Her research focuses on the relationship between the military and religious soldiers and her recent comparative articles have contributed to the theoretical and methodological foundation of this field. Additionally, she is involved in a large-scale project on the media image of the Israeli soldier, together with Dr. Zipi Israeli of the INSS. She is also a member of various research working groups and serves on the advisory board of the Institute for Israel Studies (IIS) and has recently won a competitive research grant from the ISF. Dr. Rosman is a founding member of the Association of Civil-Military Scholars in Israel and today serves on its board. As of 2016, Dr. Rosman serves as the academic director of the Internship program for Outstanding students in the department.

Research Intrest

Focuses on the relationship between the military and religious soldiers and her recent comparative articles have contributed to the theoretical and methodological foundation of this field.